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Support Center » Knowledgebase » 18. Archive (V7 and older)
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 18-0001-EN-How to Uninstall and Reinstall ShopFactory?
 Follow the steps below to remove and re-install your Copy of ShopFactory:
 18-0002-EN-There is a large gap shown at the top of my website
 Some websites which have been converted from ShopFactory V5, V6 to ShopFactory V7 may show a large gap between the top of the page and the text or products. Please note that this issu
 4-0004-EN-I have enabled PGP encryption in my shop but the Order Notification emails are now showing up as un-encrypted although the attachments are still encrypted. Is this still secure?
 ShopFactory and GlobeCharge have updated its system specifically for merchants who are
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