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Support Center » Knowledgebase » 3. Pages and Products » 3-0011-EN-I don't want to view the flash object in a different window. How do I add a flash image into my product that is displayed within the page?
 3-0011-EN-I don't want to view the flash object in a different window. How do I add a flash image into my product that is displayed within the page?

1.Open shop in Shopfactory

2.Locate the product which you don’t want the flash object to be viewed in different window

3.Click Edit Product


4. Click inside the Description box and you will see an I-beam. And then click the ‘View HTML code…’.


5. The HTML Source window will appear. You may now type inside the box the correct HTML cod to embed flash objects properly in your website.

Note: Make sure that the path you specify for your flash file should be relative. In the example below, dolphin02.swf is the name of the flash file I wanted to insert in the product paragraph. That should vary depending on your filename. You have to upload the flash file in your website media folder first or the flash object has to be in a website location to be able to point to it properly.


6. Click OK. You will now see the flash object in a product paragraph.

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Article ID: 684
Created On: 01 May 2007 12:00 AM

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