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Support Center » Knowledgebase » 18-0002-EN-There is a large gap shown at the top of my website
 18-0002-EN-There is a large gap shown at the top of my website
Some websites which have been converted from ShopFactory V5, V6 to ShopFactory V7 may show a large gap between the top of the page and the text or products. Please note that this issue will only be shown in Internet Explorer 6 or earlier.
This issue is caused by an error in the CSS code. 
Please follow the steps below in order to resolve this issue.

1. Please ensure that the ShopFactory program is not running.

2. In the Windows Explorer navigate to the  My Documents\ShopFactory V7 Websites\ directory. Then locate your shop folder. Double click your shop folder and navigate to Runtime\contents\styles folder.

3. In the "styles" folder find the website.css file.

4. Open this file using the Notepad program or any text editor. Right click on website.css file and select "Open with... -> Notepad".

5. Your text editor will open. Scroll down to the end of the file and add the code:

#SideBar_L {overflow-x:hidden;}

6. Save the changes to the website.css file and close it.

After completing the steps above start the ShopFactory editor program as you would normally.

From the menu select Settings => enable " Rebuild All". This will be active when there is a tick shown next to it. Then Preview the website.
When the preview has loaded please return to the normal mode and upload your website again.

At the Publish dialog, tick the "Publish all" option at least for this time to ensure all changes are uploaded online.

Article Details
Article ID: 4302
Created On: 15 Jul 2013 9:03 PM

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