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Support Center » Knowledgebase » 8-0014-EN-Can I publish my website to a CD?
 8-0014-EN-Can I publish my website to a CD?
It can be helpful to publish your ShopFactory website to a CD especially if you are creating the site for some one else and wish to show it to them first.
PLEASE NOTE: This does NOT create a backup of your website files as it only publishes the required "runtime" files. You should backup these files regularly.
To publish your website to a CD you will need to complete the following steps.

1. Open your website using the ShopFactory editor.

2. On the top tool bar click on the publish button and select Publish your website on CD.

3. The Publish wizard will start.

4. Click on the setup button.

5. In the Set up you will need to give details of a directory on your computer for the website to be published. Enter the details as shown below.

6. Click OK. This will return you to the publishing wizard.
7. Clcik on the publish button and the website will be published to the directory that you have set up in step 5.

8. Once the website has completed publishing you will need to copy the contents of the directory to a CD. Please ensure that the auto run file is in the root directory of the CD.

Article Details
Article ID: 438
Created On: 19 Dec 2007 12:00 AM

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