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Support Center » Knowledgebase » 6-0033-EN-How to add videos in your shop pages using embed code?
 6-0033-EN-How to add videos in your shop pages using embed code?

Important: You must "use old embed code" from YouTube

- Open YouTube and locate the video or you can use the direct youtube link, i.e. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VV3_6h4jbI
- Click the SHARE button and select EMBED tab
- Tick "Use old embed code" when copying the code
The old embed code from Youtube must be used - copy the entire code (Sample shown below)


A) Use Youtube videos as page image

To use a Youtube video as page image, please follow the steps below:

- Open shop in ShopFactory
- In Normal view, open the page where you want to show video as page image
- Right-click the page in the tree menu and select Page Properties
- Click on the Youtube icon
- Paste the embed HTML code in the textarea  and click OK twice

B) Adding videos to the Page Introduction and/or description area 

The procedure below is for Page Introduction area, but it works the same with the page description.

- Open shop in ShopFactory
- In Normal view, open the page where you want to add the videos
- Right-click the page in the tree menu and select Page Properties
- The page properties will open, click on the HTML code button
- Insert the embed HTML code in the textarea
- Click the HTML button again
- Click Ok

The video is now embedded.

C) Adding videos inside a table cell

Please follow the steps below on how to insert videos inside a table cell:

- Open shop in ShopFactory
- In Normal view, open the page where the table is located 
- Right-click on the table cell
- Select “Embed from video sharing site”


- Insert the embed HTML code in the textarea
- Click Ok

The video should appear now.


D) Embed mp4 video


Copy the mp4 to your <shop project folder>\Runtime\media folder.


- Add this to custom html code  or html view of a description field. Adjust the filename and dimensions accordingly:

<video width="320" height="240" controls>
   <source src="../media/movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
   Your browser does not support the video tag.

Where, movie.mp4 is the actual filename of your mp4 video. You must change the html code to have the correct mp4 filename.


Article Details
Article ID: 369
Created On: 04 Nov 2011 12:00 AM

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