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 14-0006-EN-I get "Conversion Error" when opening my shop: What does this mean?


The conversion error message appears when the template you are using cannot be found in your shop's template folder.

As an example here, I am going to use the "8-BASE-LL_1024 x Unlimited Height"  website theme/template but you need to find out what theme you are using before you carry out the steps below. If you have your online shop already published, open your site and then right click -> View Page Source -> at the view-source page, scroll down the bottom and locate the last line that looks like this,


$HeadURL: svn://3d3-p432/ShopFactory/trunk/bin/V10 Templates Online/Website/8-BASE-LL_1024 x -/parseLang/website.html $


The name after /Website/ is your website theme name. In this case, it is 8-BASE-LL_1024 x -
To resolve the conversion error issue, please close ShopFactory application and do the following:-

1. Right-click Start button and select "Explore" from the shortcut menu

2. At the address bar, copy this path and press Enter - for Windows XP:

C:\Program Files\ShopFactory V10\ShopFactory\Templates\Website

For Windows 7 or Windows 8:

C:\Program Files (x86)\ShopFactory V10\ShopFactory\Templates\Website
3. At the right column, all the website themes will be displayed. Locate the "8-BASE-LL_1024 x -" folder and right-click on it. Select "Copy" from the shortcut menu.
4. Now, locate your shop-folder. By default it is in: "My Documents/ShopFactory V10 Websites" folder.
5. When you are at "ShopFactory V10 Websites" folder, locate the shop in question. Double-click to open that shop-folder
6. Double-click "Templates" folder to open it.
7. Double-click "Website" folder to open it.
8. Click Edit menu and select "Paste" Your template is now in your shop-folder so the conversion error should be gone.
9. Open your shop in ShopFactory.

The conversion error should disappear and you can continue working on your shop as per usual.

Article Details
Article ID: 477
Created On: 04 Jul 2008 12:00 AM

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