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Support Center » Knowledgebase » 3. Pages and Products » 3-0033-EN-Flash Element not showing in Internet Explorer but showing in FireFox browser – why is this?
 3-0033-EN-Flash Element not showing in Internet Explorer but showing in FireFox browser – why is this?

This is a simple fix and not related to ShopFactory, but it is a commonweb standards problem.

Internet Explorer uses the EMBED element instead of the OBJECTelement. For flash to work, it needs both ‘embed’ and ‘object’ in the code.Please re-export the Flash file out of Adobe Flash, with HTML page set inPublish settings and you will see what is missing. The trick is the Embedand Object information needs to have the same values.

E.g. Pointing to the same swf file or flash variables. In short,you need to add the information twice, once in the Embed and second in theObject values.

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Article ID: 707
Created On: 23 Nov 2010 12:00 AM

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