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 3-0021-EN-How can I set a minimum purchase quantity per Product?

I do not want my customers to purchase less than 5 of a certain product, how do I set this up?

This is achieved in ShopFactory through Stock Levels (Stock Control) by setting the minimum order quantity.

1. Click on Properties => Stock Levels Menu from the Toolbar
2. A message will appear. Stock Control is disabled. Do you want to Enable it? Yes or No.


Click on yes.


3. On the Stock Control Window Click the box "Stock Control Enabled" and Click Ok

4. You will see a list of products in the window Available Stock - List of Contents

Only products with Unique Catalog numbers will display here, if nothing is displayed you need to go back and edit your products, add a catalog number to each of them.

Click on the Product you want to edit the minimum order quantity for and Click  the Edit button (small book with pen icon)

5. The  Edit Stock  window will display as per below


Click on the box next to Enabled on the Row Min. Order Quantity to be able to edit the Quantity. Change this to your minimum quantity, for eg change it to 5 and Click Ok.

6. You will return to the Stock list, edit all the products required and when finished Click Ok to close the Stock window

7. Once changed your product will display like this

In my example you cannot purchase less than 5.

Article Details
Article ID: 695
Created On: 11 Jul 2007 12:00 AM

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