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Support Center » Knowledgebase » 3. Pages and Products » 3-0009-EN-Products: How do I change the order of products?
 3-0009-EN-Products: How do I change the order of products?

Products are added to the page in the order that they are created. However, you may wish to display the products in a different order such as alphabetically or popularity. You can easily change the order of products on a page by doing the following:

1.In ShopFactory, click on the page in the left hand side tree menu that contains the products that you wish to change the order for.

2. Switch to the List view by clicking on the List tab below the bottom toolbar.


3. Select the product that you wish to move by clicking on it and drag it to the desired location.

Article Details
Article ID: 682
Created On: 01 May 2007 12:00 AM

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