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Support Center » Knowledgebase » 3. Pages and Products » 3-0007-EN-From time to time I run out of supply of the products that I sell. As it may take some time to re-stock, I want to take these products off my website is there an easy way to do this?
 3-0007-EN-From time to time I run out of supply of the products that I sell. As it may take some time to re-stock, I want to take these products off my website is there an easy way to do this?

A: Yes, you are able to hide products in your shop or simply turn off buying for that product

Option 1 - Make Product Invisible

1. In ShopFactory, in the left hand side tree menu, click on the page that contains the product that you would like to disable.

2.In the centre frame double click on the Product you wish to make invisible

3. This will open the Product Properties dialog. At the bottom right hand side of this dialog, you will finda check box titled ‘Visible’ with a tick inside. Click on the tick to uncheck this option and make the product invisible.

4. Once you have new stock for this product, follow the steps again and put a tick in the check box ‘Visible’ to switch the product back to being visible.

Option 2 - Dont allow buying (remove Add to Basket Button)

1. In ShopFactory, in the left hand side tree menu, click on the page that contains the product that you would like to disable.

2.In the centre frame double click on the Product you wish to make invisible

3. This will open the Product Properties dialog. At the bottom left hand side of this dialog, you will finda check box titled ‘Dont show Add to Basket Button’. Click on it to add a tick and check this option.  They will not be able to order this product.

4. Once you have new stock for this product, follow the steps again and untick in the check box ‘Dont show Add to Basket button’ to allow buying again.

Article Details
Article ID: 680
Created On: 27 Apr 2007 12:00 AM

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