1.Open shop in SF
2.Click page where you want to add product that have options and choices
3.Click “Add Product”
4. Click -> Properties
5. Click “Options&Choices” from left tree
6. Click Add button (+)
7.Enter the Name for your option/s, select option style and click OK
8. The options dialog box will appear. Fill in all the necessary fields then click “Save and add new” button to add more choices.
***Catalog number must be defined for choices if you are using "Stock Control" function.
***You can also add 'choice image' that are applicable for Gold and Platinum users
- Click -> image icon -> add image
9.Once you’ve added all your choices click OK
**To add more options, do the procedures from #6 to #9 again.
Once you’ve setup all your options and choices, click OK.