ShopFactory application runs best with the ShopFactory project file stored on your PC's harddrive.
However, the ShopFactory project file can also be stored on a separate network drive. In this case it is important that the drives are mapped correctly e.g. X:\ or G:\. Sometimes the use of an external drive can cause a conflict with other Software Apps installed on the PC.
Other times, conflicts can arise when other software installed uses the same network ports that ShopFactory wants to use.
If you are getting any of these errors in ShopFactory editor:
1 – “This page cannot be displayed” when clicking on a page in normal mode
2 – You don't have permission to access /contents/nl/d18/etc.....on this server (HTTP 403 error) - when shop is stored in a network drive
3 – At the shipping page, a popup error shows “Error fetching data!”
4 – If you are getting a series of js errors when opening the shop
Follow below suggestions to fix the problem
1. Check that the Documents\ShopFactory V14 Websites folder is NOT under OneDrive directory
The SF webserver (for rendering pages in normal mode and preview) does NOT like the set up because it’s reporting an error about a linked folder. The problem is more that Internet Explorer doesn't like executing Javascripts located on a network share.
To ensure ShopFactory projects do not get security errors, your network drive must be mapped to a drive letter, for example, G:\
Everything in that network drive stays the same – it’s just a drive letter that substitutes to that network drive.
Please follow the steps outlined in the Microsoft Knowledgebase,
Map a network drive
(Alternatively, you can refer to this article,
2. Ensure the project folders in the Documents\ShopFactory V14 Websites folder are NOT set as “Ready Only”. Untick “Read only” via Windows File Explorer dialog -> Properties
Also check your shop project folder is NOT compressed with the latest Windows update.
Windows is doing some pre-compression to the files and folders in their latest update so you need to make sure the folder compression for your shop is turned off. You will see a file or folder icon with blue arrows on top right - this means it has compression enabled. You can refer to the online article below,
- Right-click the file, folder, or drive you want to compress and select Properties.
- Click the Advanced button under Attributes.
- Untick/disable the Compress contents to save disk space check box and click Apply.
- Click OK
3. Reset Internet Explorer browser security settings
Reset all your IE settings via Tools menu -> Internet Options
-“Reset all zones to default level” in the Security tab
“Restore advanced settings” and “Reset” in the Advanced tab.
If the above suggestions don't help resolve the error, try editing your system Registry and enter new port limits
You may need to change the port number that the internal webserver uses, set in the registry
- change the Port Lower Limit to 49445
- then set the Port Upper Limit (by increasing 2000 to the value of the PortLowerLimit) - set Decimal value to 51445
1. Close ShopFactory and then click on the Start button and select the "Run" command.
2. In the run command line type regedit and click YES to open the Registry Editor
3. Navigate to the ExternalPreview directory indicated below:
4. Double click on the PortLowerLimit
5. And then select DECIMAL base
6. Change the VALUE DATA to 49445
7. Click OK
8. Double click on the PortUpperLimit
9. And then select DECIMAL base
10. Change the VALUE DATA to 51445
11. Click OK
12. Close the Registry window.
13. Open your shop in ShopFactory again.