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Support Center » Knowledgebase » 3. Pages and Products » 3-0041-EN-How to get rid of the empty placeholder i.e. right column linkbox when using Extra website areas tab in ShopFactory?
 3-0041-EN-How to get rid of the empty placeholder i.e. right column linkbox when using Extra website areas tab in ShopFactory?

Scenario: I was playing around with the “Show more, Show less” and/or the "Extra website areas" tabs on the right-hand side of the ShopFactory editor in V10. I accidentally added a blank space on the right side bar/column and I don't know how to get rid of it. I tried clicking the show less tab, but this does nothing.

Apart from being able to add custom html or your own script in your shop via Properties -> Edit website HTML, ShopFactory also allows you to add texts and images via the Extra website areas tab:

- Open your shop in ShopFactory

- At the left tree menu, click on the Home page

- There is an "Extra website areas" tab on upper right hand side of your ShopFactory editor


- Select the location where you want to insert texts and/or images.

- Add the details. If you didn't really intend to add texts/images within a website area, refer to the steps provided below i.e. when you get a blank placeholder on the right linkbox column.

How do I get rid of the right side bar and revert text back to the full width of the page?

- Open your shop in ShopFactory V10

- At the left tree menu, select the page where you added the website html

- You will see the empty right link box, hover your mouse over the top right section - to see the html area and a shortcut menu should appear, as shown in the screenshot:


- Click on the DELETE (X) button to get rid of the empty extra website html.

- Save your shop.

Alternatively, you can go to the global html by clicking on Properties -> Edit website HTML -> locate any html called HC1, HC2, or HC3, etc.



 - Click OK after deleting the html area

- Save and preview your shop.

- Publish your shop again.


Article Details
Article ID: 4673
Created On: 15 Jan 2014 10:57 AM

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