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 13-0004-EN-Reseller Tracking Settings in ShopFactory

Your online shop can be setup to show the retail prices. However, you can also setup your shop to show the 'wholesale' prices as soon as a reseller/wholesaler logs in to the shop. The discounted reseller pricing are only displayed once they are logged in.

Your resellers will have a username and password – they will need to click on the LOGIN button on your website, As soon as they’ve logged in, the prices will change from retail product prices to reseller discounted prices.

Different discount levels can be setup.

Checkpoint: Your products must have "Product Code" - a code which allows grouping products based on a specific type. You can have multiple products with the same "product code".


Depending on how the merchant wants to control Reseller Tracking, the following options are not mandatory but can be enabled:

  • Stop Access to Website without password – customers must sign in to enter the shop
  • Show Prices Only to Members and Resellers – customers must sign in to see the product prices on the website
  • Only give Reseller Discounts to resellers - resellers will only receive "reseller discount" based on original product price -"this option also applies to shop "Members"


Stop Access to Website without password: This option is not relevant for Reseller Tracking, as the Signup link is always disabled. Resellers must be added via the GlobeCharge function Add Resellers

Show Prices Only to Members and Resellers: When this option is ticked anyone who visits your online Shop will not be able to see any prices unless they login. This is useful for websites intended for Wholesale customers only

Only give Reseller Discounts to resellers: this option also applies to shop "Members"

When this option is set, Resellers only receive reseller discounts, they do not receive any shop wide or product discounts in combination with their reseller discount. 

e.g. There is a Shop wide discount of 25%, when this option is ticked the Reseller does not get the Shop wide discount of 25%, the reseller only gets the discount that apply to his /her reseller account.


Part I. Set up Reseller Tracking Service in your shop - you need to define the products you want discounted and you can add your resellers as well:

1. Open your shop in ShopFactory 

2. You must define PRODUCT CODE for the products you want to setup reseller discounts.

Edit Product - Properties -> Product Properties 2 dialog box -> enter Product Code - Ok.

Refer to our KB articlehttp://support.shopfactory.com/kayako/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=5262

3. From the Services menu -> tick "Reseller Tracking" option - this will only enable the service in your shop. You must continue onto the succeeding steps to completely setup different reseller discounts, add resellers, etc.


Part II. Set up Reseller discounts in the Total Care backend system

4. At the ShopFactory Central page, click on My Orders button to connect to the ShopFactory Cloud interface. (When you are redirected to the SF Cloud interface, click on the "Return to the ShopFactory Total Care interface" link on the top.)

5. Then click on Services -> ResellerTracking


6. Under Reseller Tracking, click on Settings -> the Product Code you have setup in the Product Properties 2 dialog in ShopFactory must be added in the Discount Settings section as shown in screenshot below:

Make sure you enter a discount for "All Others" field if you just want to give reseller discount for products that aren't added individually in the discount settings.

Global Reseller Discount Settings


These are the default settings that apply to all your resellers. You can change these settings for each Reseller at the Add Reseller Level.

Product Code: The Product code entered here must match exactly the product code entered in ShopFactory 

You can setup to 10 or more Product Discount levels - you can use these to apply to different categories or departments.

Shipping: You can offer free shipping if they purchase over a certain amount, this will apply per order.

Complete the discount settings and then you can start adding your resellers by clicking on "Add Reseller" option


Account Setup



Total Care will automatically create a new username and password for you. (You may change the password if you prefer.)

Here you can setup the Preferred language for your Reseller. This will apply to his order confirmation emails and to his Reseller Login (when he logs in via the Reseller login link on www.globecharge.com)

Company Details


The email and address details should be correct. When a Reseller logs into your shop and then places an order these details are automatically populated in the checkout page/order form.


Discount Settings for Individual Reseller: note that different resellers can have different discount levels


The discount settings above are the default settings that apply to all resellers; however you now have the opportunity to add, remove or updated these setting for this reseller.

For example, you do not want this reseller to get DISC3 - so you simply remove it from this screen. This means that even though DISC3 is setup in Shopfactory this customer will never receive 15% off on those products. He will only receive the "all others" discount instead (if that has been setup). In the example above if you remove DISC3 he will only get 2.5%. You could simply change the discount amount for DISC3 instead.

5. Once you are happy with all the settings, click Finish

6. Your customer will now receive an email with his login details. Make sure you have setup Reseller Tracking => Email Settings - this is the message your Reseller will receive with their login details.

7. Your Reseller can now login to your Shop by clicking on the LOGIN link and they can see the discounted prices. They can then place orders and receive appropriate reseller discounts.

8. They can keep track of their orders by logging into to their Reseller account in Globecharge www.globecharge.com -> click on the Reseller Button and enter Reseller login details



Article Details
Article ID: 450
Created On: 04 Jul 2007 12:00 AM

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