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Support Center » Knowledgebase » 7. Shipping, Taxes (VAT) » 7-0029-EN-How to setup tax rate using the ratio of the part of the product?
 7-0029-EN-How to setup tax rate using the ratio of the part of the product?

Generally, the tax in ShopFactory is applied to the whole product,not on just a part of it. However, you can set it up by adjusting the tax rateusing the ratio of the part of the product.

For example:  

What it should be:
For the tax 19% = 45 / 119 * 19 = 7.18
For the tax 6% = 60 / 106 * 6 = 3.40

ShopFactory set up:
Tax rate of Tax 19% should be set to (19 * 45/105)= 8.14
Tax rate of Tax 6% should be set to (6 * 60/105) =3.43
For the tax 19% = 105 / 119 * 8.14 = 7.18
For the tax 6% = 105 / 106 * 3.43 = 3.40

Therefore, you should create 2 new taxes with taxrates of 8.14% and 3.43%, and assign them to the product.

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Article ID: 4299
Created On: 11 Jul 2013 11:34 PM

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