Note: PHP must be enabled in your hosting account. At least PHP 5.5 is required for Advanced Search to work.
Advanced Search will return results much faster and gives your users more search options. "It's a better solution, if you have a server which supports PHP."
In this case the search is performed on your server, and returns only the results required to the user.
When you publish your website we automatically test your server to see if it supports PHP.
Depending on the results, Advanced Search will automatically be enabled. Nowadays, it is quite common for Hosts to have PHP enabled on your hosting account.
Here's how to activate PHP Search in your shop:
Assumption: You've already turned enabled "Search On" via Settings menu -> Global Settings -> Settings for this website -> Miscellaneous
1. Open your shop in ShopFactory.
2. Click on Publish -> "Publish Your Website on the Net" from the menu
3. Publish dialog box will appear. Click the "Setup..." button.
4. At the bottom part of the screen, tick “Use PHP search” and enable “Automatic PHP detection”
5. Click OK.
6. Publish your shop again so that the changes are uploaded online.
I can't see "Use PHP Search" on my Publish Window?
PHP Search functionality is automatically included in ShopFactory Gold. If you have purchased any other ShopFactory product, for example, ShopFactory Pro - you will need to upgrade to ShopFactory Gold by clicking on the UPGRADE button in your SF editor and then install ShopFactory again to have this feature activated.