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 12-0001-EN-Translate Content: my website has other languages enabled but the products are not visible in other languages?

Selling in multiple languages easier than ever

A completely reworked LanguageLink in the current ShopFactory release makes translating and managing websites in multiple languages easier than ever.
We have fully integrated this powerful translation tool with the new drag and drop content block editor. So now you can use and translate content blocks in any language. A nifty little function even allows you to copy and drag blocks from the original language to the translation language for easy translation of newly added blocks in the original language.
Check out the video to see, how that works.
A vastly improved user interface brings LanguageLink up to the standards of ShopFactory. It makes accessing functions easier, and allows you for example to set up which pages and products should be available in which language.

If you have enabled other langauges using the "navigation languages"; you must also set these languages as translation languages to activate your pages and products in other languages.

1) Then go to the Language toolbar, click the "Copy base language value" button to make the page and products visible for translation to other languages. This button can be On or Off. A border around it indicates it is ON.

2) If this button is set to ON, all items which have not been translated into another language, will have the default language copied across.

So if you are translating an English website into Dutch for example, and you have not translated some paragraphs, then these paragraphs will display the English text (if that is the shop’s primary language).

3) Now, go to Languages menu -> Translation languages -> enable the language you want -> click OK

Follow the steps below to translate your pages and products:

- Open shop in ShopFactory

- Click LANGUAGES menu

- Select "Translation languages" and tick all the languages you want to enable in your shop.


- From the language toolbar, you also need to enable "Copy Base Language Value". A border around it indicates it is ON.

If this button is set to ON, all items which have not been translated into another language, will have the texts in default language copied across.

4) Translate your pages and products


Translating a page:

- Select the page at the left tree menu

- Click Translate Content button on the LanguageLink toolbar

- Select the language to translate from the dropdown menu at the right-hand side

- At the right column, click Translate button


- At the Page description/custom html contents/Custom website contents section, select Edit button on the right column


- Translate your page description, page footer, and Custom HTML contents

- Click Finish

- Click Translate content to go back to normal editing mode.


5) To change the company logo in other languages, click on the Translate Website from the Language Toolbar – click EDIT button under the Company Image section

Article Details
Article ID: 4142
Created On: 12 Mar 2013 4:01 AM

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