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Support Center » Knowledgebase » 10. Discount functions » 10-0007-EN-How do I set up Product is $5.95 but if you buy three it is only $9.95
 10-0007-EN-How do I set up Product is $5.95 but if you buy three it is only $9.95
If you want to offer 3 or more products for $9.95 you need to setup discounts in the following way:
1. Add a Product to your Shop for $5.95
2. Click on Your Product and then Chose Product Discounts from the menu
3. setup as below
4. That means at checkout if customers buy 1 it costs $5.95, if they buy 2 it costs them $5.95 x 2, if they buy three it costs them $3.31 each so the total is $9.93 
Note: If you want this to appear as $9.95 not $9.93 you simply need to change your rounding options in the Settings -> Global Settings dialog:
5. Now if you want to achieve the following:-
Buy 3 get them for $9.95
but Buy 4
3 x $3.31 = 9.95
1 x $5.95
buy 5
3 x $3.31 = 9.95
2x $5.95
buy 6
6 x 3.31 = $9.90
You can achieve this by doing the following:
You will need to "play around" with the pricing to achieve the exact price points  you want, this is just an example.

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Article ID: 413
Created On: 17 Jun 2007 12:00 AM

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