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Support Center » Knowledgebase » 10. Discount functions » 10-0002-EN-How do I setup Product Level Discounts?
 10-0002-EN-How do I setup Product Level Discounts?
1. Open your shop in ShopFactory.
2. At the left tree menu, navigate to the page where the product is located and then click on the Product you want to apply a discount. Click on "Edit Product" from the top menu
3. Choose Discounts from the left menu

From the window above you can setup the following discount types:
a) Discount Price - to discount to a set price, example was $29 now $20
b) Discount Percentage - reduce by a percentage like 20% off
c) Buy this Quantity get this quantity free - You can offer a free product if they buy a certain quantity. So for example Buy 5 and get an extra one free
d) Buy this Quantity and get this product free - example buy this laptop and get this "laptop" bag free
e) Quantity discount by Price for example buy 5 and get it for this price
f) Quantity discount by Percentage for example Buy 5 and get 10% off
You can set up one of these discounts for individual products. For example, Product A can have a Discounted Price and Product B can have Quantity Discount by Percentage.

Article Details
Article ID: 412
Created On: 29 May 2007 12:00 AM

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