You can actually change the default Product Style that comes with the website theme you selected in your shop. You can change a different product/paragraph design by page or you can have the same style for all pages. Please refer to the steps provided below:
- Open your shop in ShopFactory
- At the left tree menu, (in Normal mode) right-click on the page that you want to change the Product style
- And then click on “Select a product/paragraph design…” option
Alternatively, the Product Style option can be found when you open the Page Properties dialog by double-clicking on the page.
- Double-click on the page that you want to change Product style
- At the left menu items, select "Select a product/paragraph design…” option
- And then select the product style and variation you want from the list of product styles.
- Click OK.
- Save and preview your shop to see the style changes.
NOTE: If you want to use the same product style for all pages in Index 1 or Index, you can do this in one go by right-clicking on INDEX1 or INDEX2 on the left tree menu -> "Select a product/paragraph design…” option
Related article:
Changing Detailed product style in my shop