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Support Center » Knowledgebase » 6. Designs and Customization » 6-0028-EN-The background colour I assigned to my Index items is not taking effect when viewed in Internet Explorer 6. I am using DDV navigation style. How do I resolve this?
 6-0028-EN-The background colour I assigned to my Index items is not taking effect when viewed in Internet Explorer 6. I am using DDV navigation style. How do I resolve this?

For ShopFactory V8 users:

When I view my website in IE6, the background colour of my Index items is not taking effect. It should be red but it is showing gray background? The navigation style I am using is DDV. How do I resolve this?

That navigation style is using png images with an alpha channel. The IE6 alpha blending workaround didn’t work well with it.

To resolve the issue, please do the following below:

1.   Download the fix from:

2. Click Save File” option

3. At the Save In: box, locate this path: (this is the default ShopFactory installation unless you installed SF in a different directory)

4. Once you are at the parseLang folder, save the zip file by clicking Save. See screenshot below:

5. Now, open Windows Explorer and navigate to this path:

6. Locate the IE6_DDV.zip file. Right click on the file and select “Extract here" from the shortcut menu.

7. Overwrite any existing files. Click YES if a prompt appears that an existing file will be overwritten.

Open shop in ShopFactory 8. 

Save and preview. 

10. Publish your shop again.

Article Details
Article ID: 374
Created On: 13 Jan 2009 12:00 AM

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