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Support Center » Knowledgebase » 8-0002-EN-Publishing via SFTP/FTPS or Secure FTP in ShopFactory
 8-0002-EN-Publishing via SFTP/FTPS or Secure FTP in ShopFactory

ShopFactory now supports secure publishing function. Note: Ensure you are at least using the latest release of ShopFactory V10 or ShopFactory V11

To download and install the latest build, please go to http://www.shopfactory.com/contents/en-us/d18.html

- Open your shop in ShopFactory

- Click Publish -> Publish your website on the Net

- Click on SETUP button

- At the SETUP dialog box, make sure you have selected the correct Protocol and Encryption information. Please check with your Host for the correct settings.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are using ShopFactory Hosting service -

ShopFactory automatically detects and sets the correct secure publishing setting to Encryption: "Require explicit FTP over TLS" (FTPeS) for you so you don't need to manually set this up in the Setup window. You don't need to change anything in your publish settings. Simply publish your shop again and it should just use FTPeS encryption.


Assigning PORT number:

If you are using SFTP and your Host requires a different Port number, you need to add the port number in the "Remote Host" field separated by colon (without space in between).

You can add the port to the remote host - for example:



NOTE: If you are publishing through a proxy server -

Check your router settings - You essentially have to create a special filter for ftpes on the proxy for it to work.

By default, your proxy settings do not allow ftps.

**If your firewall is blocking the secure publishing function, you may have to try using plain FTP (under Encryption dropdown) to see if you can connect. If you can, then you really have to setup your firewall settings to allow secure connection.

If you are using a third party host and you have confirmed your host supports SFTP / FTPS, but still encounter difficulties, contact our support team directly through your personal support window here and send the tracelog file.

Turn ON "Debug Log"
- Click Help menu

- Enable "Debug log"
- Go through the steps where ShopFactory gets an error, i.e. publish with FTPeS or SFTP
- Locate the debug log in ShopFactory V11 Websites\tracelog.log
By default, it is at My Documents\ShopFactory V11 Websites\ directory and then locate tracelog.log file in the folder. Send this file to SF Support so our developers can analyse what's causing the secure publishing to fail.

It is also important to remember that some ISP proxies, router firewalls and PC software driven firewalls may not support this type of publishing transport though. In certain cases, it may just be specific ports need to be opened on your router / firewall. If you encounter issues publishing - first try to disable your firewall and re-attempt the publish. If it still fails, try selecting Encryption as "Use plain FTP" — to rule out that secure publishing may be blocked by your firewall and/or it may not be supported on your server.


Alternatively, you can use an external FTPS client.

Download and install a third party secure FTP application. Or your Hosting service provider can offer you which secure SSL ftp to use.

To publish with SFTP or FTPS using SSL – publish your shop to a local folder first and then use the 3rd party ftps application to upload your locally published shop files.

Please refer to our FAQ article on how to publish to a local folder:


And then publish the locally published files & folders using an FTPS client.

There are many free clients that you can find online. An example is FileZilla.

Some helpful links:




Using FileZilla with Secure FTP - you can set port to 22 or whatever your Host requires:

Article Details
Article ID: 3677
Created On: 29 Jan 2013 4:27 PM

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