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 13-0003-EN-How do I use Vouchers?

To enable Vouchers in your shop, you must have a paid ShopFactory SF Cloud / Total Care account.  

Note: Reward Voucher codes and Gift Voucher codes will only be sent out for "PAID" orders. Marketing Vouchers are manually sent out to buyers during promotion or newsletters.

PART I. Enable vouchers in your shop:

- Open your shop in ShopFactory

- Click on the Services menu

- Tick "Enable Vouchers"  

- Save and preview your shop in external browser

- Publish your shop


PART II. Setup Vouchers in the SF Cloud backend

To setup vouchers in your Total Care account:

- Open your shop in ShopFactory

- Click on My Orders button - this will connect you to the ShopFactory Cloud backend.

- Go to Marketing -> Vouchers/Coupons


- Click "Add Voucher" button and select "Marketing Voucher"


Customer Return Vouchers

1. Customer Return Vouchers – When setup, these are sent to your customer automatically based on a pre-determined purchase amount.  They must have previously ordered in your shop to receive this type of voucher. For example if you have setup a Reward Voucher that gives 10% discount to customers on the following conditions:

a. Voucher is valid for:  ___ Days (the voucher expires after the set duration)

b. How much must a customer spend to RECEIVE a voucher?  

$____ amount (when a customer purchase an ___ amount of money, he/she will be emailed a voucher with the code in it so that next time he/she will purchase from your shop, the voucher can be used)

NOTE: If you have a store-wide discount or product discounts, the voucher will also apply as another discount.

c. How much must a customer spend to USE this voucher?

$___ amount (for the customer to qualify for the voucher discount, he/she should spend the specified amount at the time he/she is going to use the voucher)

To set it up: ensure you enter all the required information and click NEXT button -> on the 2nd page, you need to enter the email content per language. The #placeholders# (enclosed in ##) must be left as is to ensure the variables work -> click FINISH to save the voucher in the database.

- enter the email content per language. The #placeholders# (enclosed in ##) must be left as is to ensure the variables work -> click FINISH to save the voucher in the database.


Marketing Vouchers

2. Marketing Vouchers – These discount vouchers need to be SEPARATELY emailed to your customers when setup. If you have a current promotion, you can email this voucher code to anyone in your mailing list. This voucher has to be setup in the backend with how much discount will be given out to customers using it. It has the following information:

a. Expires: ______ (expiry date of the voucher)  

b. How much must a customer spend to USE this voucher? 

$___ amount (the customer needs to spend at least ____amount to be able to     use the voucher discount when purchasing from your shop)

c. Voucher code: ___ (this is the code that will be sent out to your customers     and they can use this code when they purchase from your shop so they will get a discount)

NOTE: If you have a store-wide discount or product discounts, the   voucher will also apply as an additional discount.

d. How many vouchers do you want to create?: ____ (if you want to give out 30 vouchers for your customers, then you enter the quantity here)

Gift Vouchers

3. Gift Vouchers - NOTE: Gift Vouchers will ONLY work using ShopFactory V8.30 Build 10321 (latest release) or higher. 

To setup Gift Voucher please refer to this FAQ article:

Setting up Gift Vouchers in ShopFactory


Important Note for manual payment processing: If you manually set the payment to "paid" - you MUST do the following:

- Go to your Orders page -> click on an ORDER NUMBER to view the order details

- Click on the Payment status link -> set order to "PAID" and click Submit button.

- This will trigger the Gift voucher email to be sent out


Article Details
Article ID: 175
Created On: 02 Dec 2010 12:00 AM

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