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Support Center » Knowledgebase » 6-0025-EN-I can not see the text on my checkout pages.
 6-0025-EN-I can not see the text on my checkout pages.
On occasion if you customise your website it is possible that you could end up with either white or very ligh text on a white background on the checkout page.
This could lead to customer abandoning orders or not being able to proceed.
I have included the details of how you can change this below.

1. Open your website using the ShopFactory editor.

2. Click on the customize design tab shown at the bottom of the page.

3. This will start the designer and your website will be displayed in a special desginer preview.

4. Click on the Advanced button.
5. In the advanced area you will see ther is a drop down list which has mapping selected. Please ensure mapping is selected.

6. Below the drop down list that says mapping there is another list with a range of GC entries.

7. From the list please select GC33.

8. Change the text colour to one that suits your needs and will be more distinctive on the checkout pages.

Please note this change may affect colours in other areas of your website.

Article Details
Article ID: 368
Created On: 26 Dec 2007 12:00 AM

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