3-0022-EN-How can I set a Minimum purchase amount for my Shop? Customers have to Purchase more than $20 for example.

Article Details
URL: https://support.shopfactory.com/kayako/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=696
Article ID: 696
Created On: 11 Jul 2007 12:00 AM


You can setup minimum and maximum Total Order values in Global Settings

1. In ShopFactory, choose Settings => Global Settings Menu from the Toolbar

2. Click on the Settings For this website =>  Shopping Basket in the left tree.

3. In the Section marked Set Purchase Price  - Minimum and Maximum, specify the Minimum order amount you will accept.  If you dont want to set a Maximum enter a large number such as 999999.  Then Click the Ok button.

4. If I set minimum as $20 and Maximum as $999999 and I try to order $5.00 the following will occur at checkout