12-0015-EN-How do I import orders with salesmanager?

Article Details
URL: https://support.shopfactory.com/kayako/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=662
Article ID: 662
Created On: 24 Jun 2007 12:00 AM



To use ShopFactory SalesManager successfully, you must have either

1.  a GlobeCharge online order management account or

2.  an email program, which is MAPI compliant, such as Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, Eudora and many others. Please refer to your email software to ensure your software supports MAPI.

3.  If you use SalesManager with email order notification and without a GlobeCharge account, you must have the order file attachment in ShopFactory enabled – see Options>Settings>Settings for this Website>Shopping Basket.


Importing Email orders

If you are not already in the Orders view, click the Orders image in the bar on the left hand side.

Then click on the Get Orders button.

You should see a dialog popup indicating the progress of the import.

When you are importing orders for a shop that does not exist in SalesManager, a dialog will appear.

If you have created a new shop, choose the first option. SalesManager will create the new shop for you and import the orders into the new shop.

Another reason why a shop does not exist in SalesManager could be in fact that you have not created a new shop but just renamed an existing one. If this is the case, choose the second option and select the old name of the shop you have renamed from the drop down box.

On completion of the import, a message box will display how many orders were imported.

Click OK, then you are ready to view your orders.


Note: By default SalesManager will check all messages in your Inbox to see if they contain new orders – even messages that have already been read by you. If you have many messages in your Inbox this affects performance. You can speed up SalesManager by setting it to check only unread emails in your Inbox. Simply click on the Edit menu, then click on options and change the appropriate setting.