3-0049-EN-ShopFactory automatically calculates tax and shipping costs based on “Customer location detection” and preselects buyer language from the “Automatic customer language detection” settings

Article Details
URL: https://support.shopfactory.com/kayako/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=5386
Article ID: 5386
Created On: 30 Mar 2020 9:30 AM


Tax and shipping rates are applied to specific regions and ShopFactory calculates tax and shipping costs based on the “Customer location detection” setting. ShopFactory also preselects the language in the shop according to the customer location as well.

If you want to show the shop’s default language and show prices & taxes based on the shop location instead, you will need to turn off “Customer Location detection” option by following the steps outlined below: