4-0074-EN-Setting up SagePay VSP (formerly Protx) payment type: DEFERRED or AUTHENTICATE payment in my shop

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URL: https://support.shopfactory.com/kayako/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=4387
Article ID: 4387
Created On: 25 Jul 2013 10:43 PM

SagePay (Protx) Payment types - Deferred Payment and Authenticate

As of 1 August 2007, Pre-Auth payment type will not longer be available for SagePay (formerly Protx), for more information go to http://www.sagepay.co.uk/ 

There are two alternative payment types available to merchants to replace Pre-Auth:
Deferred Payment or Authenticate and Authorise. Both of these systems allow you to accept an order, but not take payment until you are ready to ship the goods. Both of these systems provide significant benefits over the old system. These payment options are explained in more detail below.


As a rule, if you know the exact value of the transaction at the time of order placement and you are able to settle that payment within 6 days of placing the order, Deferred Payment is the best system for you to use.


If you wish to delay the payment for longer than 6 days or if you do not know the exact price at the time the order is placed, Authenticate and Authorise is the best option for you

In GlobeCharge to accept Payment Type "AUTHENTICATE"
use " AUTH" before your SagePay (Protx) Username.   For example see below:-

In GlobeCharge to accept Payment Type "DEFERRED"
use " DEFERRED" before your SagePay (Protx) Username

Finish the setup wizard.