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Support Center » Knowledgebase » 12-0014-EN-I have Language Link add-on installed. How do I translate product text and navigation text?
 12-0014-EN-I have Language Link add-on installed. How do I translate product text and navigation text?

You will need to have multiple languages enabled in "Translation Languages" to be able to see the Languages toolbar is visible. If it's NOT, simply click View menu >> Toolbars > tick "Language" item.

There are four buttons that you can view at the Languages toolbar:

  • Translate Content
  • Translate Website
  • Translate Navigation
  • Copy Base Language Value

A. To " translate the content" you have added to your website, such as introduction, description, and so on, select a page at the left window pane, then click on "Translate content" button.
The page will switch to translation mode which allows you to enter your translations.
1. Select a page from the index tree
2. Click on the ‘Translate content’ button on the toolbar
3. Click on “Translate” button next to the item you want to translate
4. The translation window comes up, allowing you to enter translations. To switch images, click on the Edit buttons.

Visible: Next to each page paragraph you will find a "Visible" Checkbox. This allows you to display different information in different languages, based on how much you want to translate. It has to be ticked when you want a translation to be displayed for that paragraph.

B. Translate Website: Here you can translate website content which is website wide, such as the name of the website, the company logo or shipping methods offered.
When you click the Translate Website button again, it displays the original content in the default language. You will see the website translation you have made when you click Preview >> Click the "Select Language" drop-down button and choose appropriate language.

C. Translate Navigation
This function allows you to change the words which are automatically inserted by ShopFactory into your website, as well as to translate them; you can edit the navigation text by clicking inside each box and translate each LD tag.

D. Copy Base language value
This button can be On or Off. A border around it indicates it is ON.
If this button is set to ON, all items which have not been translated into another language, will have the default language copied across.

So if you are translating an English website into French, and you have not translated some paragraphs, then these paragraphs will display the English text.

To translate all products with introduction, description, more details, etc. , instead of doing it in ShopFactory (as this takes so much time), click on Languages menu -> Translation Languages and select the languages you want to put in your website. And then click Languages -> Export a Language for Translation. This will create several .xml files depending on how many languages you have chosen previously.
You can use a translation package such as MEMO Q or HEARTSOME to do the translations of all the product text in one file per language. 
MemoQ (http://en.kilgray.com/?q=node/download) has a free version which will happily load the XLIFF file.
TRADOS third party software recently updated their application (which is beyond our control) and there seems to be an incompatibility with ShopFactory at the moment. We are looking into it.
Once translated and saved, you can now click Languages -> Import a Language for Translation to bring the translations into ShopFactory.

An example is provided below. You can do the translations as follows :

1.) As always, please make a back-up of your ShopFactory project file in case you have to roll back... (Open shop in SF -> click File menu -> Save As.)

2.) Download and install an xliff editor/translator tool from the internet. There are many available online. I downloaded and based my instructions below after trying the download from https://sourceforge.net/projects/eviltrans/?source=typ_redirect  the software is called  “Transolution Xliff editor”.

3.) Open ShopFactory and click on “Languages” -> “export a language for translation” -> export all translatable text & select export XLIFF format -> OK

4.) A ShopFactory message will confirm the export and the . xliff file name saved in the project folder

5.) Start the “Transolution” desktop software and open the exported .xliff file in the project folder

6.) Click on “View”  and select “Both” ( Source and Target for better overview)

7.) Click on “Edit” and ‘Find” and search for “Custom navigation”

8.) No need to update this text, it is just to find the right spot … click on “TU” >> “Commit and open next”

9.) It will jump to “Novità!” which is the first term in Custom Navigation to be translated. Add the translation into the bow below

10.) click on “TU” >> “Commit and open next” and translate the next term and so on…..

11.) When all custom Navigation text translation is done and / or you are finished with the last term you want to translate than click on  “TU” >> “ Commit and close”

12.) Click on “File” >>”Save as “ >>. Name file appropriately so can identify the date and that is is the translated file and save it also in the project folder

13.) Open SF interface and click on “Languages’ >> “import a translated language file” > open the relevant file to import the modifications. You will get a message confirming successful importing

14.) Do a preview and check the translations in different pages.

15.) Save and publish your shop when everything looks ok


Article Details
Article ID: 660
Created On: 27 May 2007 12:00 AM

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