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Support Center » Knowledgebase » 11. Order Management » 11-0007-EN-Customer Details: Add or edit fields in the billing and shipping forms for the Secure Checkout page
 11-0007-EN-Customer Details: Add or edit fields in the billing and shipping forms for the Secure Checkout page
When you require extra information from a buyer, you can add new field or rename and edit default fields that your customers enter in the Secure Checkout Order form.
If some of the order form fields do not apply to your customers and are not required, you can disable these fields under Billing and Delivery forms.
ShopFactory allows you to easily add and edit or disable default fields in the Customer Details dialog.
Important Note: The default fields "Country" and "Email" must not be disabled from the customer form - your customers need to receive the Order Confirmation by email. Country field is needed to calculate shipping costs and some payment providers require the complete buyer address details.
To edit the customer fields:
1. Open your shop in ShopFactory -> click CENTRAL dropdown button from the top toolbar.
2. From the drop-down menu, click on CUSTOMER DETAILS.
3. The first dialog box displays the Billing Address fields and the next page will display the Delivery Details fields.
4. Tick the boxes for the fields you want to show or hide (untick the field), see screenshot:
 - To EDIT an existing field: You can rename the field label by double-clicking it to open the Form designer which allows you to edit the field name. Or you can select/highlight the field and click on the EDIT icon. See example below:
5. You can add new fields by clicking the ADD (+) button at the bottom of the dialog underneath the scroll bar. The icon looks like a document that contains a ‘+’ symbol.
Note: Rather than creating a new field for (house number and street name) address or country fields - you should rename the default fields instead. Do not create a new field for house number, street, city, state, county, and country - enable the default fields and rename them as required. Some payment providers and realtime shipping providers require the default address fields and will not work if you custom-define the address fields.
Please Note: If your customers are required to pay for shipping, that is you send a product to their physical address then you should NOT remove the COUNTRY field. This field is required.
If you have setup shipping by region (ie for States or Counties) then these field should also NOT be removed.
e.g. My shop is in the USA and I ship all over the country. My shipping and tax is calculated at a State & County level.

If you need to ship to USA => California => Fresno  then the Customer Details on the Order form must have Country, State and County as defined fields.

Article Details
Article ID: 556
Created On: 01 May 2007 12:00 AM

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