8-0008-EN-When I upgrade to the latest Version of ShopFactory, publishing seems to hang, what is causing this?

Article Details
URL: https://support.shopfactory.com/kayako/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=431
Article ID: 431
Created On: 07 May 2007 12:00 AM

When upgrading from a previous version to 10.23 for example, Publishing appears to hang. But if I reinstall the previous version of ShopFactory, publishing is working again, is Publishing broken in the current version?
Some upgrades are significant and causes many of the shop files to rebuild. That means they need to be uploaded again and it give the appearance that either the entire site is being published again or that Publishing just hangs.  The reason it appears to hang or republish everything again is because a lot of files have changed. 

So while this process is happening, for the first time you publish after an upgrade, especially if you shop is quite large, it may appear to hang. Do not cancel the Publishing at this point, why not click on Publish and go have some dinner, a coffee or run it overnight and return later. Then check if it has published. Depending on your connection, your ISP and so on, publishing might take awhile, it could take half an hour or more.

After you have successfully published the latest upgrade you will find publishing speeds up again next time because only few changes have been made.
Upgrades are very important because they include important fixes.